Creating a Culture of Continuous Learning

Providing training once or even a few times per year and viewing the program as an independent, standalone event is no longer enough. Organizations need to create, build, and maintain a culture of continuous learning to help drive improved organizational performance. Progressive organizations that are adapting a strong continuous learning culture are quickly proving to significantly outperform their peers in several areas:

More likely to devise novel products and processes 92%
Greater employee productivity 95%
Better response to customer needs 97%

Continuous Learning Improvement Partnerships

At Burundi Business and Financial Management, we seek to partner with you to develop continuous learning solutions that help change behaviors, enhance the effectiveness of your organization, and drive long-term focus on a methodology of continuous improvement. Our continuous learning model is based on over 8 years of experience working with some of the world’s largest teams and most successful organizations. We believe that a strong continuous learning model starts with having the right mindset, culture, and true understanding of your needs and learning environment. We pay close attention to all phases of learning –– before, during, and after –– and constantly plan and identify opportunities to reinforce, develop, and apply knowledge to help your learners take their skills to the next level and help you to achieve the highest returns on investment. The three pillars of our continuous learning model include:

Partner Mindset

  • We seek to think and behave like the head of your organization so that we can help you increase revenue both in the short term and the long term. We understand that you don’t have the luxury of only focusing on tomorrow nor of exclusively focusing on today. You are engaged in a long-term plan to continuously improve the performance of your organizations, and we seek to be part of that team.
  • We consider it our duty to challenge your thinking, when necessary, to push you to focus on continuous improvements rather than one-time events.
  • We remain flexible and nimble in our thinking so that we can meet you where you are and offer solutions that grow and change with you.

Best Practices Contribution

  • Our reach and depth across industries affords us a unique perspective in not only providing the best practices in organization development, but also recognizing the biggest roadblocks to achieving long-term, sustained improvement. Our subject matter experts and world-class facilitators bring this unique perspective to bear in the services that we provide and the conversations in which we engage.
  • To achieve optimum performance, your learning teams must be connected and in sync. We bring deep expertise in  learning –– and more importantly, in how to connect employees and learning in a sustained, performance-driven effort.
  • We bring a unique perspective in how best to deliver training solutions that drive a spirit of ongoing development and learning that never ends.

Actionable Front-line Intelligence and Insight

  • Knowing what is working and what is not working in the field drives continuous improvement. Through our work in the field with your organization, we gain a thorough understanding of what is happening on the front lines.  Our facilitators, who are professiona managers and coaches, connect with each employee, often for days at a time. They coach employees in real time on real deals. By funneling this vast store of intelligence back to you and your executive teams, we give you binoculars to see an accurate picture of the field. We let you know what’s really happening, well beyond what skills your people have or need, and include what might be getting in their way. This enables learning leaders like yourself to make better decisions based on actual circumstances about the next important improvements to make so that you can achieve the highest returns on investment.
  • Supplementing our qualitative insights, we provide substantive quantitative data and analytics through our assessment and measurement tools and services. Our Client Analytics team will partner with you to tell the story of your organizations’ skill level, adoption, engagement, and performance. The purpose is not only to gauge the impact of the learning intervention but also to allow leaders to supplement and enhance the overall intervention, where needed. Combined with our qualitative insights from our experts in the field, this data will provide you with a real-time look at the state of their most powerful asset –– the employees –– and guide them in making informed decisions to drive short and long-term performance improvement.